About the IFFS
Miriam C. Rice and Dorothy Beebee organized the first symposium in 1980 in Mendocino, California. It has since been held 19 times in 9 countries approximately every two years. The location is chosen by members of the International Fungi and Fiber Federation during the previous symposium. Founded in Norway during the 9th symposium in 1999 this Federation is comprised of a board of representatives of each of the attending countries. From the start this event is traditionally thought out and organised as a non profit gathering of fungi, fiber and color enthusiasts.
Those who attend include academic researchers, persons wishing to learn more about fungi and fibre, amateur and experienced mycologists, dyers, arts and crafts artists who work with fungi dye, pigments, paper and anyone curious and eager to learn and experiment. It is an opportunity to share work done the past years and exchange further knowledge. It is also an opportunity to make friends, to learn about each others culture and history and to appreciate how we are entangled with the marvelous, fragile, yet powerful fungi in our surroundings.
You can read more about the history of this event, about the history of the International Mushroom Dye Institute and the International Fungi and Fibre Federation: www.mushroomsforcolor.com
20th edition GRAN CANARIA

The edition in Gran Canaria is the 20th symposium and the second to be held in Spain. In 2012, Marie-Noelle Vacher, Nilia Bañares and Ana Homs organised the symposium in Triste (Huesca), founding at that time the now dormant Asociacion Tintórea Micológica de España. We hope to come together during the event to activate it again and honor their work. Nilia Bañares became a member of the Mushroom Dye Institute in 2007 and has been dyeing with mushrooms on the island ever since. Her continued displays and workshops during these years have inspired many others. Her book Hongos Tintóreos de Gran Canaria (Dye Mushrooms of the island of Gran Canaria) was published in 2021.
For nearly the last decade she has shared this mushroom and color enthusiasm with Palma Christian, organiser of this event. Together, with a volunteer and planning committee, we are searching for partners that may contribute to its funding. Gran Canaria has an active mycological society and a thriving arts and crafts community. Hopefully this event will serves as an opportunity to share, exchange techniques and inspire ideas. For many it will be the first encounter with mushroom and lichen dyes and fiber arts; for others it will be a time to strengthen and enrich their understanding of fungi and their role in our intertwined ecosystem. We are thankful for those who have shared their knowledge, and we trust others will continue to do so in the future with generosity.
Thanks to the internet and social media, in the last few years there has been an exponential interest in this marvellous mix of science, art and craft. We want to make sure to include participants who have been attending symposia for several years. It is thanks to their hard work that this event has continued for almost five decades! For this reason we open registration three days in advance for those members that have atended at least three prior symposia.
As an island with a number of microclimates, Gran Canaria’s fungi depend on its variable weather. We cannot guarantee a mushroom filled symposium but we will do our best to gather carefully as many as we can. As climate change affects our temperature, rain water and soil erosion, it is now more important than ever to understand how we and our use of our resources can help find solutions.
The official language of the event will be English. We are exploring solutions for those who do not speak English.
This event does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, origin, nationality, disability or sexual orientation.