Open call

To participate in the open call, registration is required for all international and mainland spain participants in order to save your place for room and board. Please prepare your applications and wait until having registered to apply. If you later wish to cancel your attendance you will get a refund until September 1st, 2024. 


Workshops and short courses must be fungi or fibre related although we will give priority to those that relate both. Please send a description along with material and space requirements, time needed and your maximum number of participants per course. Deadline extended until September 1st 2024.


Mushrooms and Lichens will be provided by us. Dyers will be in charge of the dye vats, while teaching and sharing their process in detail with their group. We are looking for experienced fungi dyers that are willing to coordinate with us and the other dyers the local color ring before and during the symposium. Deadline extended until September 1st 2024.


Open call for works of art that use fungi as a constructive element. Please send a description with images, display requirements, and measurements. We cannot cover shipping costs. Artists must bring the artwork with them. Works in progress are welcome to apply, but the confirmed finish date must be by November 1st. Deadline extended until September 1st 2024 


Lectures and presentations should be taking us forward on our fungi journey. Please send abstracts, title, amount of time needed (max. 25 min.) and any technical requirements (projectors, computer). Deadline extended until September 1st 2024


Do you have a sample box, ring, scrap book, journal, can, jar, in which you keep a register of your fungi – dye experiments? We will hold an exhibit of the different ways dyers keep register of their dyes. Please consider bringing your sample arrangements for a group exhibit. Those that wish to participate should send a brief description of measurements along with a photo. Deadline extended until September 1st 2024


There is space in the venue to have organized meetings or discussion panels. If you would like to suggest a topic we can organise the space for during the evenings. Please send a brief description of the idea. Deadline extended until September 1st 2024


Please send in other ideas and sugestions by September 1st 2024.

Please fill in the form below and/or upload a PDF file with images/text. A different form must be filled out for each open call application. Please contact if you have any questions or trouble with the form.

Choose FilesNo Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, tiff, tif, mp4, m4v, pdf, zip, docx, numbers, pages. Max. file size: 12 MB

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Call for Mushroom Gatherers!

If you are based in Gran Canaria join our mushroom gathering group!